Nigerian Fraud Countries

Amateur radio operators keep track of all of the countries they’ve had contact with.

I’m going to start keeping a list of all the countries I’ve received Nigerian fraud (aka 419 spam) messages from.

  • Nigeria
  • Liberia
  • Senegal
  • Mauritius
  • UK (London)
  • Hong Kong (China) (20041110)
  • Sierra Leone (20041110)
  • Cote d’Ivoire (20041119)
  • South Africa (20041120)
  • Burkina Faso (20041124)
  • Togo (20041124)
  • Benin Republic (20041124)
  • Korea (20041125)
  • Brazil (20041231) (wow, that was a long gap!)
  • South Africa (20050113)
  • Russia (!!!) (20050114)
  • Dubai (20050117)
  • Senegal (20070717) (after another long gap…)
  • Iran (!!!) (20080212)

I’m slowly collecting most of that part of Africa…

Update: it appears that these fraudsters are the only ones left trolling web pages for email addresses. My active campaign against bandwidth abusing spiders appears to be cutting down on the spam at the same time…