Introduction #

Hi! I’m Harald (with two ’ehs’) - a hobbyist baker and woodworker - at least this week. I’m a generalist - in the past I have been interested in camping, kite flying, motorcycles, and many other things.

I work in Information Technology, specializing in unix systems, networks, and high-availability, fault-tolerant systems and applications. Some of the things that appear here will be discussions about obscure technology issues.



24 Nov. 2024

Dear friend, you have built a Kubernetes

Dear friend, you have built a Kubernetes

I am afraid to inform you that you have built a Kubernetes. I know you wanted to “choose boring tech” to just run some containers. You said that “Kubernetes is overkill” and “it’s just way too complex for a simple task” and yet, six months later, you have pile of shell scripts that do not work—breaking every time there’s a slight shift in the winds of production.

23 Dec. 2020


Stashing a recipe for tourtiere (meat pie) I received from a friend.

30 Oct. 2020

Flour Tortillas

A recipe for flour tortillas - because my social media is a carbpalooza now.

18 May 2020

Sourdough Part 2 - Bread

the recipe and process I use to make delicious sourdough bread. Also with pictures.

1 May 2020

Sourdough Part 1 - Starter

My recipe for making a sourdough starter. With pictures!

1 May 2020

Sourdough Part 0 - Intro

I’ve been making sourdough since before the pandemic. Here’s an introduction.

14 Mar. 2020

Prometheus Alerting Rules and Metadata

In which we discuss the complexity of building a useful alerting system for our HL7 messaging engine, where different systems have different priorities and thresholds.

[ Insert summary description of Prometheus here ]

Like most hospitals, my employer has an HL7 interface engine. Ours is implemented on top of Red Hat (JBoss) Fuse, which combines technologies like the ActiveMQ message broker, and Camel integration patterns, into a robust engine that we can use for more than just HL7 processing.

26 May 2019

Hello World

This is my first post to my new blog. Time to replace Wordpress (and by proxy, PHP) with something more secure.

Giving Hugo a try - this may change though.

7 Oct. 2016

The Falsehoods Series

A collection of things that programmers believe that aren’t actually true. Or are just more complicated than we pretend.